Partner with PAS – Your Certified Amazon Ads Partner

Who are Amazon Ads Partners?

Amazon Ads partners are specialized companies that support various business tasks and strategies related to advertising on Amazon. These partners have a broad range of expertise across Amazon Ads products and services, acting as a valuable resource to help your business achieve its goals within the Amazon store and beyond. All Amazon Ads partners are thoroughly vetted and are members of the Amazon Ads Partner Network.

Why Work with an Amazon Ads Partner?

Amazon Ads partners offer extensive experience and knowledge that can complement or enhance your internal team’s capabilities. By leveraging the expertise of an Amazon Ads partner, you can benefit from specialized skills and insights that drive your business forward​​.

What Services Do Partners OFFERS?

Amazon Ads partners provide support across all Amazon Ads products and services, categorized into five broad areas:

  • Media Planning and Buying

  • Retail

  • Creative and Brand Experience

  • Measurement

  • Full Service Management

Within these categories, there are numerous subcategories to address specific advertiser needs. For detailed information on these services, you can refer to the partner service definition guide​ (Amazon Ads)​.

Why Choose PAS?

PAS has been a certified Amazon Ads partner since 2021, boasting 9 certifications that cover 37 distinct services. Our certifications and expertise ensure that we are well-equipped to handle a wide range of advertising needs and challenges on Amazon.

How to Distinguish a Partner?

To find the right Amazon Ads partner for your business, consider your specific needs and objectives. Here are some markers of a qualified partner:

Advanced Partner Badge:

 Look for partners with this badge to ensure they have met rigorous performance standards.

Partner Status Badges:

These badges indicate the level of expertise and engagement with Amazon Ads.

PAS is proud to display these badges, showcasing our commitment to excellence and partner with PAS to leverage the full potential of Amazon Ads and achieve outstanding results. Let our expertise and certified skills drive your business forward in the competitive Amazon marketplace

For more information on how PAS can help you succeed with Amazon Ads, please fill out the form.

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