Is It Possible To Have
162% YoY Growth On
$1.85M In Sales?

The Answer is YES!

Is It Possible To Have 162% YoY Growth On $1.85M In Sales?

The Answer is YES!

The Challenge

The Brand initially struggled to recognize its power on Amazon, leading to a situation where 80% of its product listings were not correctly set up. This was primarily due to the brand’s practice of distributing goods without creating its listings, allowing other sellers to create listings on their behalf. While a handful of SKUs were still generating sales, most listings were not optimized, hindering the brand’s overall sales potential.

The Solution

To address these challenges, we took decisive action. With the help of the brand owner, we tracked all distributors offering their goods and restricted follow-up orders for Amazon sellers. They also removed sellers who obtained their goods through unverified sources as counterfeits, ensuring only legitimate sellers represented their brand. Additionally, we focused on establishing and expanding the product catalog while the copywriting and creative department updated product pages with a fresh look and branding. The SEO team revamped the copywriting, improving the brand’s visibility. These efforts allowed the advertising team to drive traffic and capitalize on the high brand demand that was already there.

The Results

In conclusion, our strategic initiatives and proactive approach to addressing its challenges have led to unprecedented success. By the end of 2023, the brand achieved its highest sales in Amazon history, reaching $1.85M. Furthermore, as of Q1 2024, it continues to see impressive growth, with a 162% increase year over year. The expansion of its product catalog from 22 to 65 active listings and the significant improvement in Buy Box percentage from 45% to 95% and growth are clear indicators of the brand’s strengthened position on Amazon. This story is a compelling example of how strategic planning and decisive action can drive remarkable results and position a brand for long-term success on Amazon.

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